Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Here you can find the answers to your most frequent questions, as a guide in deciding which kitchen to choose.

What do we need to assess in choosing the materials for doors in the kitchen?

The aspects to bear in mind are numerous: from ease in cleaning to resistance to weight, scratches, water and heat.
Our qualified personnel at all Cucine LUBE stores can provide you with all the information you require. They will also show you the most suitable material for your kitchen-unit doors according to your needs and explain how to correctly maintain them over time.

What is Fenix?

Fenix is an innovative material belonging to the family of laminates and 70% of the material consists of layers of paper, subjected to heat and pressure. Thanks to these processes performed using nanotechnology, doors made of Fenix are:

  • fingerprint resistant;
  • hygienic and with anti-mould properties;
  • impact and friction resistant;
  • able to be repaired in the event of small scratches.
What is melamine?

It is a material that consists of various layers of chipboard wood that are pressed and covered with paper impregnated with melamine resin. Though inexpensive, melamine has excellent performance, since it is:

  • resistant to impacts and abrasions;
  • easy to clean;
  • resistant to moisture.
What does ‘veneered’ mean?

The term veneered derives from veneering, a carpentry process which allows you to cover a wooden surface with very thin sheets of real quality wood. In addition to being characteristically elegant, veneered doors have numerous benefits, including:

  • good impermeability;
  • quick maintenance and easy cleaning;
  • excellent eco-sustainability;
  • resistance to scratches, impacts and heat.
What does ‘laminated wood’ mean?

A laminate is a panel of wood consisting of a number of layers. The base, in chipboard or MDF, is covered with two plastic sheets: one that is decorative (providing its appearance) and one that is protective. Its main qualities as a material lie in its hygienic and impermeable properties and that its colours remain steadfast over time.

What materials should one choose for an ecological kitchen?

Cucine LUBE has always shown a commitment towards using low-environmental-impact materials in its models, such as 100% recycled wood and doors made of PET, used for the Round model. This is a synthetic, totally recyclable material, which ensures maximum practicality due to its resistance to scratches, stains and heat.

Kitchens Living area
Cucine LUBE

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