PHPSESSID Used by: Duration: 1 mese
Это собственный файл cookie PHP, который позволяет сайту сохранить данные о состоянии сеанса.
privacy_consent Used by: Duration: 1 anno 1 mese 4 giorni
Это технический файл cookie, используемый для сохранения настроек управления файлами cookie.
_ga Used by: Google Analytics Duration: 13 months Purpose: Statistics
Archive and count page views through data anonymisation.
Privacy Policy:
_ga_9413NS7CWC Used by: Google Analytics Duration: 13 months Purpose: Statistics
Archive and count page views through data anonymisation.
Privacy Policy:
_ttp Used by: TikTok Duration: 3 months Purpose: Advertising
Viene utilizzato per tracciare e migliorare le prestazioni delle campagne pubblicitarie, nonché per personalizzare l'esperienza dell'utente.
Privacy Policy:
_tt_enable_cookie Used by: TikTok Duration: 3 months Purpose: Advertising
Viene utilizzato per raccogliere dati sul comportamento e sulle attività sul sito web e per misurare l'efficacia della pubblicità.
Privacy Policy:
_pin_unauth Used by: Pinterest Duration: 12 months Purpose: Marketing/Monitoring
Privacy Policy:
_fbp Used by: Facebook Duration: 3 months Purpose: Marketing/Monitoring
Archive and track visits on websites.
Privacy Policy:
_gcl_au Used by: Google Analytics Duration: 3 months Purpose: Conversion tracking
Check efficiency of advertising on the website.
Privacy Policy:
tfpsi Used by: Hotjar Duration: 1 ora Purpose: Unknown
Privacy Policy:
_clck Used by: Microsoft Clarity Duration: 12 months Purpose: Analitico
Mantiene l'ID utente Clarity e le preferenze, univoche per quel sito, sul browser. Ciò garantisce che il comportamento nelle visite successive allo stesso sito venga attribuito allo stesso ID utente.
_clsk Used by: Microsoft Clarity Duration: 24 ore Purpose: Analitico
Collega più visualizzazioni di pagina da parte di un utente in un'unica registrazione di sessione Clarity.
digital agency Greenbubble
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Новости и инаугурации
The commitment of Gruppo LUBE to its employees in dealing with the Coronavirus emergency

LUBE wants to support its employees and their families at such as difficult time, not just in terms of their work.

Over the 53 years of its history, even during periods of difficulty and as decided by its owners, Gruppo LUBE has never before used social safety nets, such as the Wage Guarantee Fund, but has always sought to guarantee the work and well-being of its employees.

Unfortunately, the current global emergency has forced us to suspend production and consequently to use social safety nets to guarantee the minimum financial support for workers.
With this purpose in mind, and in order to provide immediate and tangible support, Gruppo LUBE has decided to make a major financial commitment.

Therefore, for all workers concerned, the minimum wage envisaged by the Wage Guarantee Fund will be supplemented to reach the full normal salary in the months of March and April.

We are confident that work will recover soon and Gruppo LUBE will continue focusing its efforts on dealing with the coronavirus emergency.

Кухни Гостиные
Cucine LUBE

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