Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Cucine LUBE designs a special ergonomic kitchen and donates it to the Loreto Hospitality Training Institute

Gruppo LUBE, which has always focused on young people and inclusion, has designed and produced an ergonomic kitchen and donated it to the “Albert Einstein – Antonio Nebbia” Hospitality Training Institute in Loreto. The kitchen is equipped to allow 127 students with disabilities who attend the school to learn, experiment and give free rein to their creativity without architectural barriers.

The kitchen donated by Gruppo LUBE, in collaboration with GR2 Arredamenti, Elica, Gruppo Electrolux, CM Spa and Eurocomponenti/Krono System Group as partner suppliers, will be officially inaugurated on Sunday, 26 January, in the presence of the highest local authorities: the Head Teacher of the Institute, the Regional Councillor, Moreno Pieroni, and the President of the Province of Ancona, Luigi Cerioni. The bishop, Mons. Dal Cin, and the mayor of Loreto, Paolo Niccoletti, will also attend, together with everyone directly involved, the students and their families.

The new ergonomic kitchen has been designed by the R&D Centre of Gruppo LUBE specifically to offer professional training and independent use for students with physical or mental disabilities.

This innovative space is the result of combining the experience of the institute with the design skills of the company. Although it has never actually created a kitchen model designed precisely to suit the needs of people with disabilities before, the company nonetheless provided the school with its background knowledge and successfully created an attractive and functional kitchen that is a resource not just for the institute, but for the entire territory.

The institute provides training not only during normal school hours, but also in the afternoons and evenings, and is therefore a training resource for a huge area, offering the chance for rehabilitation and greater independence for adults with physical disabilities. During the morning, on the other hand, the new LUBE ergonomic kitchen will be used both for specific training activities and as a meeting place and catering service by the students enrolled on the inclusion projects.

LUBE has once again provided its own resources to satisfy a special need with the efficiency and professionalism that are its hallmark, by creating a custom-designed, personalised and functional kitchen that the students of the institute can use not only as an everyday work tool, but also as a means to improve their prospects and find their own path.

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Cucine LUBE

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