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digital agency Greenbubble
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Gruppo LUBE presents Round, the new kitchen with a “green” soul

It was conceived with the desire to give an effective helping-hand to the environment, with a thought for our future generations and with a desire for innovation, aiming always to do one’s very best not merely to pursue trends but to bring our customers’ dreams to fruition. This is how Round was conceived, the new kitchen by Gruppo LUBE, with a “green” soul.

Through this range of Round modern kitchens, LUBE is proposing a “green” philosophy, which is developed through its doors in PET with the interiors in MDF CARB 2: a totally renewable and recyclable plastic material. The innovative and high-performance surfaces, designed for the kitchen, reflect the particular focus on environmental issues, in a successful balance between professionalism and respect for the environment.
The collection consists of 5 different door types: Round, Round Area, Round Frame, Round Box and Round Doga; each has its own style and character, designed to make each composition totally unique.

Round Area stands out for base units and columns with doors in shell mortar and wall units in kamut oak. The doors have recessed handles, ensuring practicality and a modern, powerful and visually-appealing impact. The worktop, conversely, is in Arizona beige Fenix, whereas the snack bar is in kerlite iron metal for a warm and welcoming kitchen.

Round Frame has decisive, elegant and eye-catching colours; the base units, columns and column tops have doors in lava grey mortar whereas the worktop is black. It has an island entirely dedicated to the pleasure of cooking and is the undisputed queen of this model with accessories and open units designed to ensure comfort and top performance.

Round Box is the model with a more sophisticated and linear look; the base units and columns with doors are in shell ash; the wall units with doors have a flint-coloured frame and bronze glass, whereas the lapitec worktop in Vesuvius Havana is the hallmark that distinguishes this composition.

Round Doga has base units and wall units with doors in matt lava grey, which extend towards a living area style in contrast with the slatted white ash. The feature of this model is in the worktop in stainless steel with a customised Barazza matt finish, producing a kitchen with a professional feel and a warm look. The Round Dogata door helps to create a clean and unpredictable visual appeal thanks to the movement of highlights and shadows, producing an effect that enhances the overall attractiveness of the surfaces.

The new Round modern kitchens have clean, formal lines. The warm, colours of nature combine harmoniously with the colder colours, adapting to all lifestyles, like the matt lava grey or glossy lava grey; eucalyptus cloud is smart and decisive or eucalyptus shade is reminiscent of the natural feel of Oriental settings. There is also mink ash which creates a composition with warm, embracing tones where elegance and texture take the leading roles; or lava grey ash for a more decisive kitchen alongside wall units with doors in matt lava grey creating individualised volumes and open units with a strong visual impact for a composition where theatre and character play a major part.
The Round door is decidedly more romantic in its matt shell colour with columns and sesame elm. The gleam of the shell goes perfectly with the textured feel of elm to create a charming and reassuring composition. Last but not least, there is also the Round door in lava grey mortar and wall units with doors in rey mortar - dark tones for a kitchen with a seductive, rigorous and linear charm.

With the new Round modern kitchens, the Gruppo LUBE intends to meet the needs of the more demanding customers who are sensitive about the environment and seek perfection in details and design, while not overlooking the practical aspects of a kitchen which is used on a day-to-day basis.

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Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble