Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Gruppo Lube on stage in at Espacio Cocina – SICI 2019 in Valencia

From 28 January to 1 February, Gruppo Lube will participate at Espacio Cocina - SICI 2019, the international fair staged in Valencia, Spain, dedicated to new trends and new technologies in the kitchen sector, with the number one Italian kitchen company once again protagonist just one week after the success of its participation at the Living Kitchen in Cologne, Germany.

Visiting the exhibition space of the Gruppo Lube located at Level 3 - Pavilion 6 - Stand G115, people will be able to admire 6 compositions of Cucine LUBE and CREO Kitchens models that express the best of Italian design, together with the quality and values ??of the two brands .

As Tablet model, the latest born of the CREO Kitchens collection, customizable as a tailored suit. And a preview of the brand new Contempo model: a contemporary kitchen with a total expression of beauty, elegance and functionality. The 100% Made in Italy design delineates its decisive character that is also expressed in the combination of slatted doors and doors with flat surfaces presented in the trendy nuances.

The Cucine Lube brand presents Luna, the LUBE model with clean, dynamic and modern lines that offers a wide range of solutions designed to meet the needs of everyday life. Luna model was designed to revolutionize the kitchen space thanks to modules offering various compositional solutions to better adapt to the variety of spaces and every living area. Then the Clover model, presented in the Mutina finish, created by the world famous designer Patricia Urquiola. Mutina is made of a ceramic material elaborated to redefine an elegant and harmonious kitchen space. And finally the Oltre model, rigorous in its linearity characterized by attention to detail and a wide modularity. Besides it has particular finishes and accessories that make it absolutely unique in its kind. The colors and materials are many and designed to be combined elegantly, refined and valuable as the doors made with hand-applied mortar, or wood veneer with strong tactility.

At the Gruppo Lube booth will also be present the new Immagina Plus model, the modern best seller of Cucine Lube brand, recently updated with new finishes, new materials and colors for a trendy collection and an innovative kitchen setting, conceived to accommodate the needs of a contemporary customer. Particularly exciting are the all-new Immagina melamine finishes (matt open-pore, marbled, oxidized, brushed, matt), as the UV lacquered one, a highly scratch-resistant finish carried out on acrylic bases in order to provide stability over time for both the surface and color coating.

Spain is carving out an increasingly important role for the Gruppo Lube export, that inaugurated there 7 new mono-brand stores in the year 2018: in Cordoba, Granada, Los Palacios (Seville), Palmones Los Barrios (Algeciras), Vega Baja (Alicante), Melilla, Malaga. And even 10 more will be inaugurated between now and the end of the year, starting this quarter from Valencia, Sanlucar de Barrameda and Olvera.Dal 28 gennaio al 1 febbraio il GRUPPO LUBE presenterà le sue ultime novità a Espacio Cocina – SICI 2019, la fiera internazionale di Valencia, in Spagna, dedicata ai nuovi trend e alle nuove tecnologie nel settore cucina, che vedrà l’azienda di cucine numero uno in Italia di nuovo protagonista ad una sola settimana di distanza dal successo riscontrato con la partecipazione al Living Kitchen di Colonia, in Germania.


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Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble