Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Actualités et inaugurations
Gruppo Lube receives an award at Impact Marketing Award: the leader in modern marketing

An acknowledgement for Gruppo Lube that rewards innovation in marketing. Massimo Giulianelli, Sales Manager for Italy of Gruppo Lube, received the Farfalla Blu award at Impact Marketing Award, the top marketing event, at the Enterprise Hotel in Milan, promoted by Weevo Srl Società Benefit and NWG Energia S.p.A. Società Benefit.

This is a highly prestigious acknowledgement. The mission of Impact Marketing Award is to place the spotlight on best practices and innovations in marketing, concentrating on the tangible impact companies have on social and environmental sustainability, acting as an essential crossroads for professionals, businesses and enthusiasts.
Speaking at the event, in which several of the most illustrious names in marketing participated, was Gabriele Carboni, whom Philip Kotler has called the "North Star of Impact Marketing".

The Impact Marketing Award is not just a simple discussion of marketing. This year, in collaboration with the technical partner 3Bee, the leading climate tech company in protection of biodiversity, the "Oasi della Biodiversità" (Biodiversity Oasis) initiative was started. This is a local regeneration project, the purpose of which is to protect biodiversity, pollinating insects and their natural habitats.

This is an extremely important initiative from the viewpoint of sustainability, an essential point for GRUPPO LUBE, which wants to have a positive impact on the environment, as a vital step towards the creation of Europe's largest ecological corridor.

Gruppo LUBE continues to base its activities on the three-pillar concept of social, economic and environmental sustainability. After becoming the first kitchen manufacturer in Italy to obtain environmental product certification (GREENGUARD), and subsequently environmental management certification (ISO 14001:2015), Gruppo LUBE has now also obtained the important FSC® certification.

FSC® certification is the principal mechanism of guaranteeing the origin of wood and LUBE INDUSTRIES has decided to use this important acknowledgement to publicise its commitment to the environment and support of the fight against uncontrolled deforestation and illegal cutting down of forests.

With FSC® certification, LUBE INDUSTRIES is promoting forest management that is respectful of the environment, socially useful and economically sustainable. Responsible forest management means not only protecting the natural environment and guaranteeing biodiversity and ecological processes, but also offering real benefits for populations, local communities and workers and economic efficiency. Thanks to Chain of Custody certification, each step is guaranteed and traceable. This means that the entire production chain, from the forest to the sawmill and from industry to the dealer, is transparent and controlled. The Group undertakes to extend FSC certification to all wood-based products over the next few years.

With FSC® certification, Gruppo LUBE has taken another step towards sustainability and has proudly announced its intention to continue transparently and ethically upholding the values of BEING LUBE; because the quality of life of each of us, inside and outside the home, starts with respect for the environment.

Cuisines Living
Cucine LUBE

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