Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Actualités et inaugurations
A new GRUPPO LUBE commercial, “Always on the side of consumers”

Always on the side of consumers”. This is the philosophy accompanying the new Gruppo Lube TV commercial, which will be broadcast starting from Sunday, 29 October. The broadcasting will be primarily digital. You can find the new Lube commercial on all Meta platforms, Google and Youtube.

For over 50 years, the mission of the Marche-based company has always been to discover and to satisfy the needs of the people who are its customers, looking after them through a constant attention to details, at all stages of the supply chain. This all starts with the manufacture of custom-designed and state-of-the-art kitchens and continues with personalised care during and after sale.

Through a series of intimate images of everyday life, accompanied by a warm and emotional voice-over, Gruppo Lube tells the story of how the people who have the brand's kitchens care for their family and their friends every day. In precisely the same way as Lube has always looked after its own customers, accompanying them in the choice of materials, colours, living areas and kitchens made from environmentally-sustainable materials, both before and after sale.

As the CEO, Fabio Giulianelli, said: “We fought against the crisis. We might be a little crazy, but we are relaunching now, blocking prices and offering loans. Looking after our customers is always a priority for Lube.”

Through its new commercial, Lube will be placing the company's true identity in the spotlight in an entirely new way, because “Being Lube means always being there.”

Essere Lube significa Esserci Sempre.


Chief Creative Officer: Francesco Bozza
Head of Operations: Silvia Cazzaniga
Account Director: Matilde Dettin
Art Director: Stesy Magliano
Copywriter: Arianna Sardoni

Producer: Mario Tordini
Regia: Gianluca Grandinetti
Neurobrand Specialist & Brand Strategist: Simona Ruffino

Cuisines Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble