Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Actualités et inaugurations
Cucine Lube on the stage of Esprit Meuble in Paris

From 19 to 22 November, the "green" philosophy of Gruppo Lube will also land at Esprit Meuble, the most important French trade fair for operators in the furniture sector at Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles, where the number one Italian kitchen company participates for the second consecutive year presenting itself with an exhibition of over 200 square meters located in Hall 7.2 – Stand D33 (in the Esprit Cuisine area, dedicated specifically to kitchens and living rooms), which will allow the announced thousands of visitors to admire up some of the biggest novelties of the Cucine Lube brand.

Starting from the renewed ROUND model, which underlines the ecological spirit of Gruppo LUBE through eco-friendly materials: the doors, available in 5 different styles, are in fact made of CARB2 and FSC® certified MDF, covered in PET, a totally renewable and recyclable.

Round, includes the texture of the Elm wood finish, bold colors, brand new veins and very realistic to the touch. Matte solid colors with a palette of 10 shades, including two very trendy shades: sedòna red and beryl green. The other wood finish is the Larch, which despite being a very modern texture, maintains 5 traditional colors in the new model.

The big news, on the other hand, concerns the new Rayè slat door, whose peculiarity lies in the highly technological manufacturing with which it is possible to create very small vertical grooves. The result is a refined and elegant door, with which you can access the handle-less opening system and have all the finishes of the Larch and Elm wood, as well as the solid colors.

Three other models can also be appreciated at the brand's stand, all certified Greenguard Gold and respectful of the environment and of the highest quality standards. We are talking about FLAVOUR, a refined and versatile model in its classic-contemporary style, the DESIGN COLLECTION, which stands out for its quality materials, unique to the touch and sight, and finally about IMMAGINA, a collection that includes melamine finishes, UV lacquered and veneered with excimer, all internally produced, capable on the one hand of enhancing the warmth and shades of real wood, and on the other of harmoniously combining the warm colors of nature with the colder ones.

The company will also present visitors with the new revolutionary Mathera finish, which will soon be included in the Immagina catalogue, thanks to which the material recycling process approaches the universe of design.

Cuisines Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble