Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Actualités et inaugurations
Gruppo LUBE is the first kitchen manufacturer in Italy achieving the GREENGUARD certification

Gruppo LUBE proudly announces that it is the first kitchen manufacturer in Italy that achieved the GREENGUARD Certification from UL (Underwriters Laboratories), one of the most prestigious safety organizations worldwide, founded in the United States over 125 years ago.
Recognized and referenced by over 400 codes, building rating systems and procurement policies worldwide, the GREENGUARD Certification program certifies that all the structures of the Cucine LUBE and CREO Kitchens brand products comply with the most rigorous standards in terms of emission levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by furniture, surfaces and paint, as well as other harmful chemicals in indoor environments. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can have negative health effects such as headaches, burning eyes, respiratory irritations and can trigger asthma attacks.

Creating healthier environments thanks to furniture with low emissions of organic compounds, using materials that are as environmentally friendly and respectable of human health is one of the research and development activities on which Gruppo LUBE has been investing more in recent years. In fact, istatistic say that people in industrialized societies spend about 90% of their time indoors and that indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. Therefore, it is not surprising that the importance of indoor air quality (IAQ) and its impact on human health are gaining increasing attention.

What does it mean to have the GREENGUARD Certification? It means guaranteeing their consumers kitchens conceived and designed to help improve the quality of the air inside their home by making it cleaner and healthier. It means offering kitchens that meet high quality standards, rigorously tested and certified by an independent third party body for low emissions of chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Thanks to the GREENGUARD Certification, Gruppo LUBE has demonstrated its commitment in helping to create healthier and more comfortable quality kitchen environments in a transparent and serious way.
This is a very important and necessary commitment that Gruppo LUBE undertakes towards its customers, because the satisfaction and health of its employees and consumers are always at the top of the goals to achieve.

The GREENGUARD Certification is just one of the many sustainability initiatives put in place by Gruppo LUBE in recent years, during which they installed in their corporate headquarters in Treia (center of Italy) a 6000 KWh photovoltaic system, capable of meeting the needs of the company's production processes in total harmony and respect for the surrounding environment thus allowing the reduction of CO2 emissions. In addition, all the structures of the Cucine LUBE cabinets are manufactured with panels made of 100% recycled wood and materials with low environmental impact. The road taken by Gruppo LUBE demonstrates once again that becoming a market leader is the result of hard work, a shared vision and a lot of common commitment.

Cuisines Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble