Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Actualités et inaugurations
Gruppo LUBE and Beko together for Marche

A very important event took place yesterday, 14 March, in LUBE showroom in Treia, with the extraordinary participation of Gruppo LUBE leader in the kitchen and furniture accessory market, and Beko, sponsor of LUBE Volley and leading brand in the household appliance industry. The event saw the participation of Chef Alessandro Borghese, Beko testimonial, of four players from LUBE Volley and of the students from Paladini Middle School of Treia.

They all celebrated the donation and collaboration between Gruppo LUBE and Beko: together, they have decided to give a message of hope and a concrete help to the young people of Treia by donating a robotics laboratory to Istituto Scolastico Paladini of Treia, which was severely damaged by the earthquake that struck Marche in 2016. It was a very different, exciting day for the young students, who took part in a cooking lesson together with Bruno Rezende, Osmany Juantorena, Tsvetan Sokolov and Robertlandy Simon, the well-beloved LUBE Volley players, led by Chef Alessandro Borghese as exceptional teacher for one day.

Before he started to cook, the Chef reminded the students the importance of "eating well", following a diversified diet, giving priority to season foods and favouring the consumption of products from the local territory. The young would-be chefs were entertained by the volley players who, under the careful supervision of Chef Alessandro Borghese measured themselves against fruit and vegetables preparations, shakes, omelettes and tasty appetizers. Just like sports, cooking creates relations, entertains and teaches that team work is always necessary to achieve a great performance.

"I’m so happy to collaborate with Beko and LUBE in this important charity event", said Chef Borghese. "Rebirth will only be possible if each one of us makes his or her own part. For this reason, I’m very happy to give my contribution, offering an entertaining activity to the young students of Treia Middle School, with cooking activities and good fun".

Cuisines Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble