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digital agency Greenbubble
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Actualités et inaugurations
Gruppo LUBE presents the new Immagina Plus kitchen

Gruppo LUBE opens the new year by presenting Immagina Plus, a modern kitchen with innovative finishes and colours in step with today’s stylish trends. The modular solutions, new accessories and technological components are the features of this new model and were designed so that Immagina Plus can meet all the needs of contemporary living, perfectly.
The clean and simple design is in line with the new living trends that are open to sharing with the living area: Immagina Plus, in fact, was conceived so as not to remain closed and confined, but to be extended into the living area with spacious open bookcases, creating increasingly significant interplays between the two settings.
The warm colours of nature blend harmoniously with the colder ones; these range from walnut to larch, from Alpine green to smoke blue and Alaska grey and from titanium to silver dark and baron marble. The finishes are also textured and luxurious: from the oxidised to lacquered and brushed surfaces, the zinc effect, mortar and the new pewter effect.

The Neck and Lux finger rail openings and the open units in the Immagina Plus kitchen meet the needs of functionality and the search for a clean and elegant design intended to satisfy the requirements of a focused and demanding market.

The Bridge collection has been extended to offer new handles applied frontally or the recessed Blend handles, as well as the Fusion built-in handle which enhances the attractiveness of the doors. Conversely, the new Head built-in handle, applied at the top down the whole length of the door, succeeds in giving a different personality to each composition.

Colour, convenience and innovation are the key words; the snack bar frames the working area, creating an attractive game of colours between the worktop in Commodore Green Fenix and the Cansiglio Smoke Grey, whereas the sliding peninsula in White Fenix can also slide diagonally on the lowered base units providing, whenever necessary, a practical alternative to the classical table.

The light and dark tones of the kitchen are reflected in the living area, where the variety of modules adds a new image to the very heart of the house. The book shelf system has a vast range of modules which can solve every furnishing necessity adapting to every space. The book shelf system can form an open partition or be up against the wall and the backs can be the same colour as the structure or contrasting. The lines are clean and light; the refinement in the Immagina Plus collection lies in the attention to detail.

Cuisines Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble