Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Actualités et inaugurations
Cucine LUBE makes its début at the Sistina Theatre in the play Belle Ripiene – a delicious comedy about slimming

Treia, November 2018. Cucine LUBE will be on stage on 21 November at the Sistina Theatre in Rome, as the main sponsor of Belle Ripiene, the new play by Massimo Romeo Piparo, once again with an entirely female cast, with Rossella Brescia, Tosca D’Aquino, Roberta Lanfranchi and Samuela Sardo.

A delightful comedy about slimming,  set in a real kitchen among the pots and pans. Gruppo LUBE has supplied three kitchen blocks for the occasion, which will be used by the four actors during the play.

The models on stage are Oltre, the LUBE kitchen distinguished by its unusual finishes and that combines the style of materials such as cement finishes with the elegance of the ultra matt colours of the Fenix finish. A kitchen in the aged anthracite oak version, with a door as the indisputable star without taking centre-stage, akitchen as elegant and charming as the stars of the play.

In the roles of Ada (Tosca D’Aquino), Dada (Samuela Sardo), Ida (Rossella Brescia) and Leda (Roberta Lanfranchi), the actors of Belle Ripiene will be cooking actual meals, each with their own geographical origin, from Salento to Naples, Rome to the Upper Po Valley, and having a “vibrant” discussion about their relationship with their respective menfolk and how much or little they have each achieved. A dish called Scrigno della Penisola Italiana Belle Ripiene has been created especially for the play, with turnip tops, crunchy bacon, stuffed tomatoes and stracchino cheese fondue. At the end of this “slimming" story, the audience will share the dishes cooked with the actors, but not with their menfolk, who will remain relegated to the list of foods that are “forbidden” by the dietician of love.

Gruppo Lube, which has always firmly believed in family values and the territory, has decided to support this Italian-style comedy because the authenticity of the characters, their story and their spontaneity perfectly reflect the essence of Being LUBE today; a dynamic and continually growing company that believes in conviviality and in the direct relationship with its own public, its customers and its employees. Being LUBE also means being a family and what better place than the kitchen to represent this, all together there, cooking, laughing and chatting, confiding in each and talking, just like the stars of Belle Ripiene.

Cuisines Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble