PHPSESSID Used by: Duration: 1 mese
Il s’agit d’un cookie natif de PHP qui permet au site de stocker des données sur l'état de la session.
privacy_consent Used by: Duration: 1 anno 1 mese 4 giorni
Il s’agit d’un cookie technique utilisé pour stocker les préférences sur la gestion des cookies.
_ga Used by: Google Analytics Duration: 13 months Purpose: Statistics
Archive and count page views through data anonymisation.
Privacy Policy:
_ga_9413NS7CWC Used by: Google Analytics Duration: 13 months Purpose: Statistics
Archive and count page views through data anonymisation.
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_ttp Used by: TikTok Duration: 3 months Purpose: Advertising
Viene utilizzato per tracciare e migliorare le prestazioni delle campagne pubblicitarie, nonché per personalizzare l'esperienza dell'utente.
Privacy Policy:
_tt_enable_cookie Used by: TikTok Duration: 3 months Purpose: Advertising
Viene utilizzato per raccogliere dati sul comportamento e sulle attività sul sito web e per misurare l'efficacia della pubblicità.
Privacy Policy:
_pin_unauth Used by: Pinterest Duration: 12 months Purpose: Marketing/Monitoring
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_fbp Used by: Facebook Duration: 3 months Purpose: Marketing/Monitoring
Archive and track visits on websites.
Privacy Policy:
_gcl_au Used by: Google Analytics Duration: 3 months Purpose: Conversion tracking
Check efficiency of advertising on the website.
Privacy Policy:
tfpsi Used by: Hotjar Duration: 1 ora Purpose: Unknown
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_clck Used by: Microsoft Clarity Duration: 12 months Purpose: Analitico
Mantiene l'ID utente Clarity e le preferenze, univoche per quel sito, sul browser. Ciò garantisce che il comportamento nelle visite successive allo stesso sito venga attribuito allo stesso ID utente.
_clsk Used by: Microsoft Clarity Duration: 24 ore Purpose: Analitico
Collega più visualizzazioni di pagina da parte di un utente in un'unica registrazione di sessione Clarity.
digital agency Greenbubble
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Actualités et inaugurations
Lube Group presents the new Faer Ambienti Myflexy program

Health, safety, flexibility, solidity, technology and quality in a child's growth and development are the six values behind the new Faer Ambienti Myflexy program.

A story told through ergonomic, simple and functional shapes, with the following three product ranges: Kids, Teen and Young, designed to accompany a child from early childhood to adolescence and allow better and more versatile use of the various elements of the bedroom.

Safe environments and spaces designed to be adapted to the differing needs of a growing child. The solutions include Kids, with its clean and playful design, the multi-purpose and customisable Teen bedrooms and the combined living and study solutions of the Young bedrooms.

With Myflexy, Lube Group emphasises the importance of design in a child's development, by proposing stimulating and safe furnishing solutions which reflect the company's guiding values.



Cuisines Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble