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550 employees, less than an hour of layoffs, +40% in exports, only 9 new stores in India: these are the results presented by Fabio Giulianelli the microphones of TG5

Invest, this is always the watchword of Lube Group, a company that has never ceased to believe in its mission, in the value of a quality product as well as its human capital.
The cameras of TG5 entered in the factories of Treia, in the province of Macerata, to tell one of the few Italian companies that have never stopped growing, thanks to a prudent management strategy that is focusing a lot on exports, but choose to maintain capital and the entire production in Italy.
Among the boast of a large company that employs 550 direct employees, to not have recorded less than an hour of layoffs. A company that knows how to give value to its resources, providing security to families that have fallen into what Giulianelli called the "big family Lube."
France, United States, Germany as well as China and the Middle East, are some of the markets served by quality products and design Cucine Lube. Only in India Lube now counts no less than 7 plus 2 single-brand stores recently opened. And if the Italian market remained stable, only in 2012 the turnover of exports recorded an increase of 40% instead.
Results are not negligible in a time of economic recession like the current one wants to be above all a message of confidence for Italian entrepreneurs.

Servizio TG5
Edizione delle 13:00 - del 6 giugno 2013

Cuisines Living
Cucine LUBE

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