Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones
Gruppo Lube: 2023 was a year of successes, events and major investments for the future

With all the milestones reached and goals achieved, 2023 was an important year for Gruppo Lube. These ranged from the opening of 87 new certified LUBE and CREO stores in Italy and 34 abroad, to the launch of new kitchen models with new materials, such as Immagina Mathera, and the important MEETING in October, the occasion for the very first LUBE EXPO. The Expo was a genuine industry trade fair, in which 31 companies in the “Kitchen Furniture” industry participated, from the most well-known domestic appliance manufacturers to accessory and component companies, there at their stands to present their new products and previews exclusively for GRUPPO LUBE STORES.

There were many successes in 2023, such as the excellent financial performance that positioned Gruppo LUBE as the leader on its reference market and the multitude of investments that took shape with inauguration of the second automated warehouse, together with the new Euro 44 million investment plan for the foreign market, thanks to approval of the “LUBE FOR FUTURE” PNNR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) fund. The purpose of the plan is construction of a new production unit, in the town of Treia, for the manufacture of kitchen and living area furniture and wardrobes for the foreign market.

As is traditional before the Christmas period, the company held a big party for all of its over 600 employees on 22 December, to celebrate Christmas together and to share the events and results that characterised this important year.

This year, as tangible support for families of newborn babies, shopping vouchers were gifted for older children and, as usual, Father Christmas was there in person to hand out the gifts underneath the large Christmas tree.

A magic atmosphere and a moment to experience the joy, celebration and sharing that have always distinguished the Gruppo LUBE Christmas event, bringing together a united group of people who work every day to reach new milestones and ensure success is achieved by and for everyone.

Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble