Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones
The Round model of Cucine LUBE is the protagonist of the new "Safe & Green" living project

Gruppo Lube is participating in the Safe & Green project: a full-scale prototype of a home that combines the best anti-seismic, energy sustainability and domotic technologies available on the market. Gruppo Lube is a leader in the Italian kitchen industry and has always focused on environmental research and sustainability. It has provided the interior furnishing of the home to support this project, which is funded by the Marche Region and includes leading partners such as Fintel Gas e Luce Srl, together with other enterprises operating in and around the town of Macerata.

ROUND, the environmentally friendly LUBE kitchen manufactured with PET doors and interiors in MDF CARB 2, a fully renewable and recyclable plastic material, is the kitchen used for the Safe&Green project.

The purpose of the project is to allow users to experience the settings and try out the technologies and the materials used and to assess the quality of the products, the comfort and healthiness of the rooms, the energy efficiency and, above all, the safety of the load-bearing structure.

The 180 m2 building is on two floors and built with a steel frame (anti-seismic structure). It is almost entirely energy self-sufficient and “carbon free”. A test station for seismic monitoring has been installed in the foundations of the building by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, together with an Internet solution comprising a network of sensors that also allow structural monitoring to be performed. Domotic solutions have been adopted to control the lighting, climate, energy consumption and safety of the building.

The values of Safe & Green are precisely the ones that the Marche-based company has espoused over recent years. They include environmental sustainability and research into new materials and finishes, in line with the objectives of protecting the environment, as confirmed by the recent FSC certification of the company, in addition to the GREEN GUARD and UNI EN 13986/2015 certifications, making LUBE products a guarantee of safety for the consumer and for the environment.

Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble