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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones
Cucine LUBE presents Immagina Wood

Cucine LUBE presents its new IMMAGINA WOOD collection where the warmth and hues of veneered wood are shown at their best in an exclusive collection capable of bringing together innovation, design, textured effects and tradition. A clean, essential design for a collection that comes with 6 NEW wood finishes: natural oak, white oak, grey oak, moscato oak, smoky oak and black oak.

The Wood doors are made from chipboard panels with Oak veneer, which undergo a transparent painting process through the use of “ECCIMERItechnology. This particular treatment provides the doors with an ultra matt surface with soft-touch effect and greater resistance to scratches, and also ensures excellent value for money.

A skilful blend of open and closed spaces, interspersed with open units and refined details, is the main feature of the new Immagina Wood; the ultimate in clean, formal lines, warm hues and single-texture spaces create an essential yet highly attractive setting with a keen eye on its unique details.

The Nook columns with their retractable doors hide a genuine work area also equipped with an extractable work surface. The brand new Dual accessory in the Genius-k collection is a particularly effective item; it is extractable, multi-purpose and designed to make cooking an increasingly simple and functional experience. Another particular feature is the cutting board and cutlery drawer, set within a single accessory; it is called Flap, part of the Genius-k collection, perfect for adding prestige and functionality even to a modestly-sized kitchen. At the same time the Modular under-wall-unit accessories with integrated lighting turn every composition into a spectacular setting with highly practical features and a strong visual impact.

With its rigorous yet lightweight lines, Immagina Wood presents a new concept in bookcases with flexible fittings including metal or veneered wood shelves and cabinets of various types. The uprights have rear lighting to provide a particularly engaging effect, capable of blending the kitchen and living area together to create a single environment. In impressive, spectacular style, the bookshelves create a highly natural, yet extremely refined combination of open spaces and home appliances.

Just like all the kitchens made by Gruppo LUBE, the doors and structures of the new Immagina Wood collection bear the prestigious GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold certification. All products that obtain this Certification are tested by UL laboratories to meet the most stringent standards in terms of emission levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by furniture items, surfaces and paint in addition to other harmful chemical substances in indoor environments, contributing to the reduction in indoor air pollution and the risk of chemical exposure. Immagina Wood is also certified to be 100% Made in Italy and meets all the requirements of quality and respect for the environment that Gruppo LUBE sets itself.

Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble