Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones
Gruppo LUBE in celebration: LUBE Volley are Champions of Italy again, winning their sixth Championship Title

Enormous satisfaction for Gruppo LUBE which, thanks to the victory of LUBE Volley over Perugia, confirms its place as Champions of Italy winning its sixth Championship Title.

Cucine Lube Civitanova ends the season in true style with a fantastic double: after the seventh Del Monte® Italian Cup won at the end of January, the Cucine Lube Club adds the finishing touch gaining its 24th title in its history. Champions of Italy and current Champions of the World, they have won 6 Championships, 2 Champions League titles, 1 World Cup for Clubs, 7 Italian Cups, 3 CEV Cups, 1 Challenge Cup and 4 Italian Supercups.

Coach Blengini’s players beat Sir Safety Perugia 3-1 at the Eurosuole Forum in Civitanova Marche in match 4 of the final (set scores: 25-20, 25-22, 21-25, 25-21), exploiting the first all-Italy match point at their disposal. As always, the contribution from Osmany Juantorena, was decisive and earned him the MVP title in the Championship final.

An epilogue to an important season for the owners, management, players and staff, who dedicate their success to the supporters, forced to stay away from the stands but always in the thoughts of the athletes after each victory and each celebration.

This victory won by LUBE Volley arrived hot-on-the-heels of the important results of the company, which confirmed Gruppo Lube in pole position among Italian kitchen manufacturers in its reference market, and leaders in terms of turnover ending the year with sales of € 201 million.

Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble