Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones
InCucina General Catalogue

Gruppo LUBE presents InCucina 2021-2022: the essence and history of LUBE consisting of reliability, honest commitment, quality, service, research and development, innovation, respect for work and the environment, all wrapped up in 6 moods (dark, light, colour, industrial, modern and classic), 20 models, 480 finishes and 7 types of door openings, which fit each kitchen like a tailor-made suit worn by each individual customer.

The new Cucine LUBE general catalogue summarises the entire modern, classic-contemporary and Borgo Antico collections, conveying all the Brand values: commitment towards the environment and safety, innovation and ongoing research, and the new frontiers in customer service.

Research and innovation have always been the cornerstones of LUBE development, investing resources in fulfilling constant improvements to its own production and quality standards so as to make its brand a synonym of quality, specialisation and reliability in the world.

Research and development which looks in the direction of design and technological innovation, with ever more high-performance kitchens which adapt to customers’ needs and not vice versa. With its range of 20 different models divided between modern collection and an incredible range of 480 different finishes, each with its own texture and chromatic qualities, LUBE truly allows you to customise your kitchen area and living space.

InCucina presents Italian style and design which together with experience and state-of-the-art production systems constitute the driving force in LUBE’s success. All LUBE kitchens are certified as being Made in Italy and can boast high quality and safety standards. LUBE has for years shown an unfailing commitment to complying with safety standards at work and respect for the environment throughout its production chain: its production is powered by a photovoltaic system measuring 40,800 sq.m and it is continually researching materials and paints that respect the environment. One example of this is ROUND, the LUBE kitchen with a green heart and doors made from PET, a totally renewable and recyclable plastic material. All this has led to the Company being awarded the prestigious EPA and F4 STELLE certifications and becoming the first kitchen manufacturer in Italy to obtain GREENGUARD GOLD certification for the structures of all its kitchens. These awards mean that Lube brand products are a guarantee in terms of safety for the consumer and the environment.

InCucina presents atmospheres, tactile and chromatic effects and skilful use of lights but also different price bands. A LUBE kitchen is all this and more, without ever forgetting the quality and guarantee of a brand with over 50 years of history behind it.

Download the catalogue straightaway.

Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble