Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones
Cucine LUBE returns to the stage with Belle Ripiene – a delicious comedy on slimming

After the huge success of the last season, Belle Ripiene is returning to the stage, with Cucine LUBE once again as the main partner accompanying the play around Italy on what promises to be an exhilarating and lengthy tour, a genuine marathon in which Belle Ripiene will take its delicious blend of joy to many Italian cities, including Milan (Manzoni Theatre from 14 to 19 January) and Rome (Sistina Theatre from 21 to 26 January).

Love and gossip about men, the fragrance of good food and the most delicious recipes, decidedly “pink” humour and sensitivity, against the warm and welcoming backdrop of a LUBE kitchen: all the ingredients are there to start the new and unmissable tour around Italy of Belle Ripiene, the play with an all-female cast directed by Massimo Romeo Piparo and starring Rossella Brescia, Tosca D’Aquino, Roberta Lanfranchi and Samuela Sardo.

The play, which is produced by Il Sistina, is set in an actual kitchen, among the pots and pans and, for the occasion, Gruppo LUBE has supplied three kitchen units to accompany the four actors throughout the play, thus becoming an integral, if not fundamental, part of a story designed to involve and captivate the audience with an entertaining glimpse into the women’s lives, as they share their stories and talk about their relationships with men in the warmest and most intimate part of a home, without forgetting their other, great passion: food.

The model on stage is Oltre, the LUBE kitchen distinguished by its unusual finishes and that combines the style of materials such as cement finishes with the elegance of the ultra matt colours of the Fenix finish. A kitchen in the aged anthracite oak version is used, with a door as the indisputable star without taking centre-stage, a kitchen as elegant and charming as the stars of the play.

Gruppo LUBE has always had an unbreakable bond with the values of the family and the territory and has decided to support this Italian-style comedy because it recognises the essence of Being LUBE in the characters’ stories and in their sincerity, a value that has always distinguished the Marche-based company. Being LUBE means, first and foremost, being part of a large family and what better setting to represent the family and the joy of togetherness than a kitchen?

Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble