Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones
Cucine LUBE is back on TV with a new advert: LUBE, stories to be experienced.

Gruppo Lube is back on TV with a new advert, starring the Store and the purchasing experience, the true focus of the Group’s communication and marketing strategy of recent years. After the numerous LUBE store openings in Italy and abroad over the past few months, the company has decided to make a video that conveys all the emotions of a Lube purchase, from the moment of entering a store and up to the attention, professionalism and care of the final phase of after-sales assistance, when the kitchen enters the home.

With an emotional interpretation, the advert tells the story of a young couple choosing their kitchen: an important moment, as the kitchen is the centre of their home. The advert shows us the delicate moments of the sale phase: “from the emotion of a purchase, to the purchase of an emotion”.

The young woman wanders around the Store and, thanks to the experience, professionalism and courtesy of the sales staff, the attention to detail and the range of models on display, starts imagining what her kitchen will look like. The emotion also continues after the sale, as the advert concludes with the efficient and well-prepared assemblers, who leave the couple after ensuring that everything is perfect and ready for the new family.

The broadcasting plan of this new advert includes an important launch on the RAI networks starting on 1 January, with a 60-second Long Video version, and will continue throughout the year with scheduling of a new advert in the major TV programs of the new year, in a 30-second version.

The advert was directed by Gianluca Grandinetti, in collaboration with Grey United.

production: multi video
directed by: Gianluca Grandinetti
producer/d.o.p.: Mario Tordini
puller: Alessandro Moglie
assistants/stage technicians: Francesco Carinelli, Paolo Muti, Flavio Cairola, Fausto Martorello
editing: Alessandro Moglie
vfx: Lara Sagripanti
coordination: Maria Pia Mozzoni
set design: Laura Perini
make-up/hair: Clara Cittadini
copy: Grey

Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble