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  • Gruppo LUBE believes in CSR, and together with the Fire Brigades of Macerata it has trained 64 new fire-prevention officers
Noticias e Inauguraciones
Gruppo LUBE believes in CSR, and together with the Fire Brigades of Macerata it has trained 64 new fire-prevention officers

Treia, October 2018. Gruppo Lube, which has always been committed to carrying out good Corporate Social Responsibility has successfully completed the fire prevention course organised in collaboration with the Macerata Fire Brigades.

As happened in the past for the course on the use of defibrillators, the fire-prevention course was a source of great interest and enthusiasm for all the actors involved, above all the employees who felt part of a larger reality and responsible for the safety of their colleagues, but also for the instructors, managers and the firefighters themselves who, with great passion and precision, explained how to expertly deal with even the most complicated situations.

During the two-month course (September-October 2018), 61 fire-prevention officers were trained, of which 34 for the first time, involving blue- and white-collar workers of the Gruppo LUBE.

The course was held entirely in collaboration with the Fire Brigade of Macerata, a first part consisting of theoretical concepts taught in the classroom, followed by a second part of hands-on practice in the field and the final written and practical exam. Several topics were covered, fire prevention, the internal warning system and external assistance, the containment of damage caused by fire, and the management of emergencies and how to organise an efficient and orderly evacuation system.

For Gruppo LUBE, the organisation of firefighting courses and the training of personnel in charge is not just a simple question of compliance with current regulations, but rather a decision to view its employees as an integral part of a large family, an important step in creating a team that works together to grow personally and as a Group.

It was an intense two months but full of satisfaction. The fire-prevention course was an important initiative both for the number of people involved and for the foresight of the collaboration with local authorities in order to reinforce the relationship with the local community and the desire to develop the area where the Gruppo LUBE has its roots.

Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble