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Scopo: Pubblicità
digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones
Lube Group partners UNICAM to support the agency in channelling the #ILFUTURONONCROLLA project

Lube Group is partnering UNICAM, to support the University Agency in channelling the #ILFUTURONONCROLLA project created by Camerino University following the terrible earthquake which hit the Marche region on 26 October.

The hashtag, launched three hours after the earthquake hit, has rapidly become a symbol of hope, rebirth and recovery for the entire region. This success has led to a project for fund-raising and rebuilding of the buildings forming the Rector's Office, the School of Law and the IT Degree Course, as well as several science laboratories and lecture rooms of Camerino University.

The three principal objectives of the #ILFUTURONONCROLLA project are:

  • Building of student housing destined for creation of an international college, modelled on Europe's largest international university colleges
  • Creation and building of temporary housing and residential structures, with over 1,000 beds.
  • Building and organisation of new laboratories and teaching areas with state-of-the-art instruments and equipment.

The commitment is to restart training and education for almost 9000 national and international male and female students, promoting values such as research and innovation, and to make Camerino University even stronger than it was before.

Project data sheet:

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digital agency greenbubble