Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones

"We can't pretend that things will change if continue to make them IN the same way. It's during the crisis that the best of each person must emerge".

Mr. Fabio Giulianelli, administrator of the Lube Group, quoted Albert Einstein in his opening speech at the company's convention hosted yesterday by the City of Treia, attended by over 1000 customers coming from all part of Italy.

The meeting, which was also attended by the President of the Marche Region, Gian Mario Spaca ("Here the atmosphere is very different - said the Governor - We can feel great strength, optimism and energy. Lube is one of the most important company in our national economy, the president of the Industrial Association of Macerata Giovanni Clementoni and the mayor of Treia Luigi Santalucia, was the highlight of the two-day event organized by the Lube Group, who showed again trough the words of Fabio Giulianelli "as important signals of recovery are finally coming also from the global economic system".

Over the past six years the sales volume of Cucine Lube showed a positive +3% that is in sharp contrast to the -25% charged at national level by the companies of the same sector. In favor of Lube, which in 2013 has increased by as much as 40% of its sales volume on foreign countries, also speaks the numbers concerning his market share, gone from the 5.2% of 2007 to the 7.2% in 2012, which paves the way to 8% in 2013.

The Lube Group is one of the few companies in the sector who continues to hire, and has never made use of even one hour of layoffs for its employees.

"We're doing great things also in this very difficult period - said the other chief of the Group, Mr. Luciano Sileoni - Our secret? The passion that always accompanies us in our work, and the constant investments to renew our targets".

During the Convention the company's customers were able to see the exclusive previews of the important lines regarding kitchens, and those of the bed rooms for adult and kids, signed by Faer Ambienti.


Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble