Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones
Cucine LUBE: increasingly committed to safeguarding the environment with the Nilde Gres model.

The production process, components and finishes all bear the hallmark of green policies

Milan, March 31st 2011. Cucine LUBE continues to implement green policies, underlining yet again its profound awareness of the topic of eco-sustainability with the launch of the new Nilde Gres model. The company, an industry leader in kitchen production from Italy's Marche region, has developed a version of the Nilde model that reveals a careful design and innovative yet functional solutions. At the same time, the search for a product that can meet the requirements of a consumer as a human being first and foremost has not been compromised.
Cucine LUBE's attention to detail can be seen all the way from the very beginning of the production process, which is entirely powered by renewable energy sources: a photovoltaic power station on the roof of the plant produces all of the energy necessary for internal consumption, which means that each and every LUBE product is manufactured free of CO2 emissions.

The Nilde Gres model is the materialisation of the LUBE Group's decision to only use materials that release very low levels of formaldehyde in the components that make up the kitchen structures. This material complies with the F4 Star standard of the JIS regulations and is certified by the Japanese government, which is the most stringent when it comes to environmental safeguards.
The finishes then have to be chosen, for example the porcelain stoneware of the Nilde model which, apart from the aesthetically clean result, reflects the global need for sustainability. The frame onto which the porcelain stoneware slab is placed is made from aluminium and is therefore completely recyclable. The porcelain stoneware slabs, aside from having optimum technical and mechanical characteristics, are eco-compatible in that they are 100% natural: they don't release elements into the atmosphere, and can be easily manufactured and completely recycled into other production processes. Porcelain stoneware is a material that is 100% compatible with food substances in that it does not release elements in solution and prevents the formation of mould, bacteria and fungi. Furthermore, given that it does not contain organic material it is heat resistant at high temperatures and will not give off smoke and/or toxic substances.

The Nilde Gres model is just the beginning of a larger project that the R&D department is developing: the strategic characterisation of LUBE products by emphasising their "green" nature in comparison to cheap, low-quality products manufactured in newly industrialised countries. Taking advantage of support and scientific consultancy from specialist, certified centres in the field of eco-design, the company is pressing for the sole use of water-based lacquers in its products as well as recycled wood for supports which release very low levels of formaldehyde. These are periodically monitored and certified.

Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble