Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Noticias e Inauguraciones
Tomorrow will see the opening of the new Cucine LUBE store in Porto San Giorgio.

Milan, February 4th 2011. The company from the Marche region headed by Luciano Sileoni and Fabio Giulianelli will open its new Cucine LUBE store in Porto San Giorgio (Fermo) tomorrow (February 5th).
The new store is the result of the work of Miu Arredo Srl and will attempt to build on the success of the opening of the Concept Store LUBE in Castel di Lama in 2010.
In the Porto San Giorgio store, which covers a surface area of 540m2, 19 compositions will be on display: these include a wide selection from the LUBE collection, ranging from the new modern designs such as the Nilde, Claudia and Genny models to the more traditional flavour of the very latest Veronica, Agnese and Laura models, which prove that innovative solutions need not compromise classic forms.
The company from the Marche region once again focuses its attention on environmental issues, offering models that are entirely made from materials that release very low levels of formaldehyde and components that comply with the F4 Star standard, the most stringent when it comes to environmental safeguards.
Leading local figures are expected to attend the opening of the new store this Saturday.

The opening can be seen as part of a wider project to increase LUBE's presence in the area via single-brand concept stores which have strong institutional connotations and an image which conveys the values of the LUBE brand. The layout of the stores has also been carefully planned so as to draw attention to the particular characteristics of each of the models on display. A clean and elegant image which encapsulates LUBE's values: firm proposals together with groundbreaking research into materials and design add to the qualities that have made LUBE what it is today, not just in Italy but also worldwide.

via Cotechini, 112
63017 Porto San Giorgio (FM)
Tel. +39 0735 654103

Cocinas Living
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble