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News & Inaugurations
Imola, province of Bologna: Gruppo LUBE inaugurates a new Cucine LUBE Store

Gruppo LUBE continues to expand in Emilia Romagna and is opening stores and single-brand stores certified in terms of creativity and green philosophy.

As part of the development strategy, a new LUBE Store is opening in Imola. The official inauguration takes place on Monday, 23 May, with a series of initiatives after the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The new LUBE Store in this city in Romagna has an innovative, contemporary and state-of-the-art display area of 415 m2, with a full eighteen prestigious models on display.

There is a wide range of LUBE kitchens, to satisfy all customer needs.

They include Round, the environmentally friendly kitchen manufactured with PET doors and interiors in MDF CARB 2, a fully renewable and recyclable plastic material. For the Design Collection, the Oltre model will be in the spotlight. This model has a strictly linear but lavish style and is available in special finishes, with accessories that make it one of a kind. There is a wide range of refined and precious colours and materials, designed to be combined elegantly together, and characterised by a meticulous attention to detail and modularity that make Oltre the centrepiece of any living and dining space, with exclusive interior design solutions..

Then there is Flavour, the refined and versatile kitchen, on which the various door types and multitude of finishes can be used to create different styles and thus adapted to all living space needs and tastes.

The appearance of a Flavour kitchen therefore changes according to its setting and can have a classic or contemporary mood, depending on whoever lives there and uses it every day.

Also on display for the demanding and loyal customers of the LUBE brand is the IMMAGINA WOOD collection, on which the hues of veneered wood are shown at their best in an exclusive collection that combines innovation, design and tradition.

A clean, essential design for a collection that comes with six NEW wood finishes: natural oak, white oak, grey oak, moscato oak, smoky oak and black oak. Lastly, there is Immagina Plus, the kitchen designed to keep up with current style trends. Technological accessories and components have been used to create a kitchen that adapts perfectly to every need. Modern and extremely versatile. The Agnese and Luna models are ideal for anyone who prefers a more classic but still functional style.

A team of four qualified sales assistants will be on hand to assist customers, offering design, consultancy, loan, transport and assembly services.

The new LUBE Store in Imola marks another milestone for Gruppo LUBE, in a region that has become strategic in 2022, with the opening of numerous new stores where the customer can be certain of a reliable purchasing experience focused on a genuine Italian-made product. This is a value-adding service at a store that faithfully reflects the philosophy of a Group that has been a world leader in the kitchens sector for over 50 years.

Kitchens Living area
Cucine LUBE

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