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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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  • Eugenio Giulianelli: “France is a reference market for our exports”. Four brand new LUBE Stores inaugurated there in September.
News & Inaugurations
Eugenio Giulianelli: “France is a reference market for our exports”. Four brand new LUBE Stores inaugurated there in September.

Interviewed at the company convention in Milan by the well-known transalpine magazine of the furniture sector "Cuisines et Bains", the export manager Eugenio Giulianelli wanted to underline the importance for the Gruppo LUBE of France, where they inaugurated 4 new stores only in September.

France is becoming a point of reference for us - says Eugenio Giulianelli - because we are implementing there the same commercial policy that has led us to be number one in Italy. The one that concerns the widespread distribution through single-brand stores, therefore specialized stores for kitchens, dedicated exclusively to our brands. We have recently opened in Versailles, Cannes, Drumettaz-Clarafond and Aubagne, and in these days we are inaugurating in Lons (New Aquitaine), Paris, Strasbourg, Cahors and Bourg De Visa, near Bordeaux”.

The clear ambition to expand further on French territory is revealed by the imminent participation of Gruppo LUBE in the 2021 edition of Esprit Meuble Paris, an important trade fair reserved exclusively for sector operators which, from 20 to 23 November, plans to bring to the pavilions in “Porte de Versailles” about 10 thousand visitors.

An ambition that goes hand in hand with the company's comforting data: urged by journalist Benjamin Coppens, Eugenio Giulianelli in fact highlighted how the growth of the company in terms of turnover has not stopped even in a pandemic period.

"The turnover of 2020 - declares the export manager - was 201 million euros and practically equaled that of 2019, despite the two months of forced lockdown, in which the factory had to remain closed. The figures for the current year, on the other hand, allow us to concretely forecast a further growth of 10%”.

At the following link you can read the complete interview (in French):

Kitchens Living area
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble