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digital agency Greenbubble
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Gruppo LUBE displays its smart and sanitising lighting solutions

To complete its wide range of kitchens, Gruppo LUBE adds various smart, sanitising lighting solutions with an attractive design, capable of adapting to every living requirement and making the most of every kitchen model, from classic style to more modern solutions, from large kitchens with an island to compact ones that lead into the living area.

All the LED lighting systems in our catalogue are fitted with the latest generation home automation systems, are adjustable through a dimmer system and can move naturally from a warm light to cool light; they can also be managed remotely using a remote control and with a smartphone via Bluetooth, thus allowing you to switch it ON or OFF and adjust the lighting intensity of each zone singularly or all together, maintaining total control at all times.

Lighting is one of the most undervalued aspects when designing a kitchen. Dimly-lit areas, especially on the worktop, reduce the effective visual field needed to perform your daily activities correctly. Complementing your environmental and indirect light with integrated lighting makes your kitchen more functional and effective, making the most of the textured and design details. All the products in the Gruppo LUBE price list are dimmable and temperature-adjustable ranging from 3000k to 4000k, so as to recreate the ideal environment with a more or less suffused, warm or cool light. With the possibility of operating your lights using various applications (remote control, movement sensor, wall switch and Bluetooth app for smartphones) you can have a modern, cutting-edge and versatile system designed to create the right balance between light sources and dimly-lit areas, ensuring the best in visual comfort.

A particularly important aspect, above all in a delicate area such as the kitchen where an increasing amount of time is spent, living and working and at the same time preparing meals for all the family, is Blue Light Sanitation, the system of blue lighting which not only provides elegant and attractively designed lighting but also sanitises the surfaces and interiors of wall units and drawers where it is installed. The kitchen is a home environment that needs constant sanitisation, but the excessive use of aggressive detergents can ruin furniture surfaces.

Germicidal lamps are an “ecological” alternative to the most commonly used cleaning products. Blue Light, with a wavelength of 465 nm on the visible spectrum which, with a minimum exposure of two hours, contributes to reducing the presence of bacteria and unpleasant smells on radiated surfaces.

There are many advantages:

  • they remove smells;
  • they kill bacteria;
  • they are safe for people;
  • they do not alter foodstuffs;
  • they provide deep and effective sanitisation;
  • they radiate any material.

So, in the Gruppo LUBE compositions, you can install lights fitted with the Dual Light system (a light source emitting 4000k Natural White light and Blue Light) both in the under wall unit area to sanitise the kitchen top and inside large drawers and wall units so that all kitchenware is kept properly.

Kitchens Living area
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble