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News & Inaugurations
Lube Group: “… and we work to sell the kitchen of the future”

Workshop Lube, the prestigious three-day convention bringing together the entire sales force, LUBE GROUP stores and its main suppliers from across Italy and overseas, with a total of 250 participants, has just been held at the head office in Treia, in Via dell’Industria 4, from Tuesday 15 November to Thursday 17 November.

The theme of the event was: “… and we work to sell the kitchen of the future”, with a packed schedule of meetings and discussions. The central topic of the three-day event was the Cucine Lube and Creo Kitchens brands, presentation of new models and plenty of technical contributions.

Lube Industries has been recording a constant growth in its revenues since 2003. This trend has been confirmed by the positive performance in 2015, which was well above market performance as a whole, and by the +15% increase in the first six months of 2016 compared with the same period of the previous year. This milestone was achieved thanks to launch of the new Creo Kitchens range and the courage to continue investing in projects, innovation and research.

“The fact that our company has always achieved good results and has continued to grow constantly over the years” – says the CEO, Fabio Giulianelli – “is sometimes taken for granted and viewed with a simplicity and naturalness which often worries me. The celebrated 300 kitchens we have to find everyday are not the result of chance or divine intervention. They are not virtual objects. We can achieve these results by our products being better than our competitors' products and the question I must ask myself every day and every day is "why choose one of our kitchens?" The topics which will be discussed over these three days of debates, meeting and encounters are what lies behind this question and, in the end, we will all be certain that the kitchen of the future will be a Lube kitchen, since it is the best and because we are the strongest on the market.

The convention then concluded with presentation of the new claim, which will be used for all activities and events scheduled for 2017, in celebration of 50 years of activity: “Lube kitchens ... timeless and eternal”, with which the company intends to emphasise that the results presented are simply the starting point for many future successes and milestones to be achieved.


Kitchens Living area
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble