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digital agency Greenbubble
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News & Inaugurations

New success in foreign markets through the opening of the biggest kitchen store of the country

The Lube Group continues in conquering the Asian market with the recent inauguration of the seventh store in New Delhi, which follows the presence of the Group in other strategic locations such as Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ludhiana.
All stores are managed by the local distributor Mr. Pawan Malhotra, who this year celebrates the tenth anniversary of partnership with the Group Lube.

The monobrand store covers an area of over 1,500 square meters and it is the largest kitchens store in India. This perfectly reflects the company corporate image with a wide exposition of over 22 models including the latest releases of the modern line Adele Project, Gallery, Creativa as well as the classic best-sellers like Claudia, Veronica and Velia.
The shop offers solutions also for wardrobes and bedrooms through the collection of Faer Ambienti, brand of the Lube Group specialized in this segment.
Design, technology and quality for an exhibition area that only offers the “made in Italy” signed by Lube.

The event, enhanced by the presence of the MasterChef India winner, drew a large audience with over 350 guests including qualified architects, customers from all over the country and representatives of the Italian embassy who have underlined the importance of the investment made by an Italian company in this fast-growing market.
A press conference was also held on January 4th with the participation of national broadcasters and newspapers, as well as the export manager and Lube ownership in the person of the CEO Mr. Fabio Giulianelli.

This is another significant milestone in the Lube strategy of internationalization, which makes the company becoming more and more the reference Italian brand.

date: 5th of January 2013.
exhibition area: 1.500 sqm
address: Khasra No.351, Rishi Complex, Near Sultanpur Metro Station, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, New Delhi-110030.


Kitchens Living area
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble