Environmental management system (ISO 14001)

Quality, functionality, safety and attention to human needs are the cornerstones of the Gruppo Lube strategy for the future. Our day-to-day commitment is to improve people’s lives with respect for the environment, creating harmony and conviviality. We care deeply about environmental sustainability and it is a genuine objective, in the sense that all actions and policies are implemented with the aim of limiting the impacts on the environment of all activities and production processes.
In line with what it has already done for Quality with ISO9001 and for Occupational Health and Safety with ISO45001, Cucine LUBE has demonstrated its commitment to the environment by obtaining ISO14001 certification, whereby it uses the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) method to set objectives and plans of action to reduce the impact on the environment and procedures to manage all activities and the most critical phases of the production process of this aspect.
The environmental commitment of Gruppo LUBE also extends to its choice of environmental friendly materials and components, which are updated and chosen both to comply with applicable regulations and in order to protect human health and avoid pollution. For example, the panels chosen for the furniture satisfy not only European regulations on formaldehyde emissions (classification E1), but also the US regulation EPA TSCA, which sets forth laws in the USA for protection of the environment and human health.