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digital agency Greenbubble
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Melamine laminate

Melamine doors are made from a chipboard panel (US EPA TSCA Title VI), covered on one or two sides with melamine paper, a synthetic material made up of very thin sheets of paper impregnated with special thermosetting resins. A further layer of resin with a protective function is then spread on the surface. A practical, durable material that is easy to use and clean.

Where to find them

  • Doorss
  • Shelvess
  • Open unitss
  • Shelvess
  • Back panelss
  • Tabless
  • Worktopss

Technical data

Melamine doors are made from a chipboard panel (class E1) covered on one or two sides with melamine paper, a synthetic material made up of very thin sheets of paper impregnated with special thermosetting resins. A further layer of resin with a protective function is then spread on the surface. Initially used as a low-cost product to replace "real wood" or plastic laminate, today, thanks to the development of increasingly realistic papers that are able to simulate the pores of the wood creating roughness that replicates the original material, and thanks also to its remarkable qualities of hardness and resistance to scratches, ease and speed of production, this product has become one of the most valued and popular in the world of furniture. "For these materials it is also important to take into consideration their resistance to light, which tends to be better than that of wood, since the paper is printed with artificial colours" (Franco Bulian, deputy director Catas - Ambiente Cucina).

TSS Laminate - Thermo Structured Surface (available only from Creo) is an irreversible thermosetting process: in addition to the particular preparation and workmanship of the surface, it allows for effects of considerable depth, bringing life to surfaces with extraordinary technical performance, high resistance to scratches and to chemicals, as well as an astonishing feel.


For the cleaning of melamine laminates only mild products and a soft microfibre cloth can be used. Acidic detergents like bleach or basic cleaners like ammonia are not recommended. In case of limescale stains, products containing weak acids (acetic acid at 10-15% max and diluted citric acid) or lukewarm water and baking soda may be used in case of light traces. Do not use abrasive pastes, powdered products, rough sponges and scouring pads that might compromise the integrity of the surfaces. Products for cleaning glass or specific for laminated materials are recommended. To avoid streaking, when finished wipe the fronts with a dry cloth. Ink stains can be cleaned with denatured alcohol and a soft cloth, but in general alcohol should be used with caution because it is too aggressive. Do not use acetone and other solvents/thinners. When using and maintaining the surface, pay attention to the edges of the panels. In fact, if they are neglected or subjected to excess heat, water and humidity they can weaken and facilitate the occurrence of faults. For this reason, always dry damp vapours, condensation and water and do not use cleaning devices that produce steam at high temperatures.

Kitchens Living area
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble