Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Cucine LUBE presents the new Unica model

It will be premièred at Eurocucina 2022 and has an evocative name that guarantees quality and excellence: Unica, the new Cucine LUBE model, is as unique as the name suggests.

Unica is a truly “unique” kitchen by name and by nature, the perfect culmination of the work performed in design, research and development by Gruppo LUBE over the years. A functional, elegant and stylish model with an exceptional design and refined materials, as unique as the name Unica suggests.

Unica is a contemporary, practical and functional kitchen. Like all Gruppo LUBE kitchens, it satisfies the highest quality and environmental protection standards, from production to installation in the home, as it is GREENGUARD Gold certified, which guarantees that all the structures of Group products comply with the strictest standards in terms of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from furniture, surfaces and paints and of other harmful chemicals in indoor environments.

Unica is a versatile model that interprets contemporary styles, due to the broad range of finishes available. The soft colours create a warm and welcoming environment that still has the eye-catching contrasts produced by the colour blocks skilfully harmonised with the rest of the kitchen and the surroundings.

The vertical sides of the doors are rounded, giving Unica a soft and sinuous look, while the unusual handles and opening systems make the doors an engaging and central part of the kitchen.

Everything is in its place on Unica and state-of-the-art accessories ensure that the kitchen is always clean and tidy. These include the extractable FLAP in the Genius-K collection, on which to place all types of utensils, or EXTRA, which houses a practical cutlery drawer, and also an additional work surface and a handy shelf for small domestic appliances. There is also DUAL, an extractable work surface with a cutlery drawer, precisely what is needed in most kitchens, and plenty of other space-saving designer accessories, like the FLUX extractable table, also in the Genius-K collection, which provides a large table only when it is needed, and the SWIFT sliding surface, which slides over the work surface to keep it clean and can also be used as a large snack table if needed.

A touch of style and character can be added with the MULTIPLO bookshelf, which not only provides storage space, but can also be adapted to every domestic need and has rear lighting to create a pleasant atmosphere. The islands and peninsulas can also be equipped with handy containers, like HANG-TOP, for storing items and keeping everything close at hand when cooking, or simply to screen the kitchen from the living area.

A smart, practical and functional kitchen with an elegant design, full of energy and adaptable to every domestic need, Unica is as unique as the person who chooses it and experiences it.

Küchen Wohnzimmer
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble