Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Cucine LUBE Cucine LUBE
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Gruppo LUBE comes together to celebrate Christmas and a highly successful year

Once again this year, the Gruppo LUBE is bringing its large family of over 600 employees and their relatives together on Monday, 23 December, to celebrate Christmas eand to raise a toast to the amazing results obtained by the Group.

The success of the Marche-based company, was the keyword of the last convention held on 18 October and is bolstered every day by its sales which, in the second half of 2019, confirmed the position of Gruppo LUBE cas the leading brand in the kitchen furniture sector and its top place in the kitchen manufacturers’ ranking in terms of domestic market share. This success continues with the opening of numerous new LUBE and CREO Stores throughout Italy, as well as in the extraordinary vittorie della Lube Volley, which won the Club World Championship title after winning the national championship and the CEV Cup.

A new event added to enliven this year’s LUBE Christmas celebrations for the first time is the concert by the Macerata Wind Orchestra. 30 musicians conducted by Maestro Andrea Mennichelli will play the most beautiful and uplifting music for 40 minutes to immerse all the participants in the true spirit of Christmas. The Christmas Mass will then be celebrated, like every year, by the Bishop of Macerata, Nazzareno Marconi, at the company production plant and in the presence of the company owners and management, the local authorities and the entire LUBE staff, and the festivities will continue with the arrival of in Treia of Santa Claus, who will distribute toys to all the children waiting excitedly under the huge Christmas tree.

A magic atmosphere and a moment to experience the joy, celebration and sharing that have always distinguished Gruppo LUBE. The group has always considered its employees to be part of the family and works every day for the common good and the success of and for everyone.

Research and development, vision, courage, determination, unity and team spirit are just several of the secrets of the success of Gruppo LUBE, but the real added value, an intangible asset that is difficult to match, are the people who make LUBE what it is and who are rightfully celebrated at the end of the year.

Many successes marked 2019, including the excellent financial performance that made Gruppo LUBE a sector leader, with an increase in its market share to 10.7%, but there are also many objectives set by the owners for 2020, including the launch of the new LUBE Design Collection, which will further consolidate its market identity, and the ambitious schedule of new openings of LUBE and CREO Kitchens stores. This latter brand has enjoyed a strong market performance over recent years, with an 18% increase in growth in 2018/2019 and fifth ranking in market notoriety and presence, with performance above the sector average.

The Christmas party offers the opportunity, once again, to celebrate the successes of the Group together and to thank all members of the LUBE extended family, which has worked tirelessly for over 50 years to reach new milestones.

Küchen Wohnzimmer
Cucine LUBE

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