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_tt_enable_cookie Used by: TikTok Duration: 3 months Purpose: Advertising
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_pin_unauth Used by: Pinterest Duration: 12 months Purpose: Marketing/Monitoring
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_gcl_au Used by: Google Analytics Duration: 3 months Purpose: Conversion tracking
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digital agency Greenbubble
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Neuigkeiten und Einweihungen

The award was presented to the Group Marches in the 2nd conference NetWorkLab2013.

Friday, March 8, Faculty of Economics "G. Fua" ??of Ancona.
LUBE was the successful firm of the contest Best Web Reaction Time 2013 prize awarded by NetWorkLab company that provides the best answer by e-mail, both in terms of speed and in terms of quality of content. An important recognition that rewards the attentive and focused on customer care activities Lube which over the years has grown and has become an example of management of customer service online.

The award was given during the 2nd Meeting NetWork Lab 2013 Friday, March 8 at the Faculty of Economics "G. Fua" ??of Ancona.
The conference, dedicated to the theme of Mobile Marketing & Apps, aims to provide a "snapshot" of the current situation regarding the use of the app from the Italian companies of certain sectors, typical of Made in Italy (retail food , fashion, furniture and food).
The Prize was awarded to the Group Lube confirmation attention NetWorkLab company that does not stop to offer high quality products, but also ensures that customers Lube a pre and post-sales service of the highest level.

Best Web Reaction Time 2013: LUBE
Venerdì 8 marzo 2013
Ancona, Facoltà di Economia "G. Fuà"


Küchen Wohnzimmer
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble