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digital agency Greenbubble
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FAER at the 2011 Furniture Trade Show with the Sport, LeMilleBolle and Trendy

In collections: the LUBE Group's furnishing brand presents three bedroom designs especially for children and teenagers at the 2011 Furniture Trade Show.

Milan, March 2011. A specially created world to meet the dreams of every child. This was the starting point for Faer in the development of new proposals for children's bedrooms. Thanks to the Sport and LeMilleBolle Collections by FAER, set for presentation at the forthcoming Milan Furniture Trade Show (April 12th – 17th 2011), children everywhere will be able to create their very own personal space in their home which reflects their passions. This will bring them close to whatever it is that excites them and helps them grow outside of the family home.

The Sport Collection plays on fun and colourful bedroom proposals based on five different sports: football, volleyball, basketball, roller skating and motorsport. Each of the designs can be further customised through the choice of colours, accessories and details designed to meet the dreams of each and every child.

The LeMilleBolle Collection, on the other hand, harks back to the trends of the 1970s by re-creating vintage settings dominated by lilac, white and brown. This is a world designed for girls looking to keep up with trends, where patterns and plays on shapes typical of the 1970s are brought up-to-date and back into fashion.

But FAER does not stop there. In addition to the proposals created specifically for children and teenagers, the range is extended with the Trendy Collection, a line devoted to a more adult target audience. Faer has also thought of those still living at home but who feel the need to create an independent space within their bedroom, where bookcase and desk come together to create a real home office.

As well as making children happy by giving them a place where they have the freedom to dream without compromising the tranquillity of the home, or where teenagers can work and study independently, parents can rely on the attention Faer always pays to manufacture: only environmentally-friendly materials and non-toxic finishes are used.

Through Faer brand products, the LUBE Group once again focuses its attention on the environment. Faer models are made exclusively from materials that release very low levels of formaldehyde and components that comply with the F4 Star standard, the most stringent in the world when it comes to environmental safeguards.

Furniture Trade Show - Rho Fiera Milano trade show site (Milan)
April 12th - 17th 2011
Pavilion 18 - Stand B25

Küchen Wohnzimmer
Cucine LUBE

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digital agency greenbubble